How's your week been? We have been having really good weather here, which has been great, especially as Natasha is on summer holidays. The weeks are flying by though which is a shame. I love spending time with her, she's so much fun and never fails to make me laugh :o) We bought her a set of steel drums the other day so it's been like the caribbean here. I love it. Soooo much better than listening to a recorder. She's been compiling her own songs too, all that's missing is the rum! Might have to sort that out later lol
I got my Pax bead the other day, woohoo. It's smaller than I thought it would be, but I really like it. For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about see my previous post entry here.

The story doesn't end there though. I gave the card to my Mum because she really liked it and wanted to send it to someone so no longer had the card in my possession. When I got home I opened my e-mail from Janet (who runs the Corrosive Challenge Blog) only to find I had remembered the sketch completely differently to what it was! By then it was too late to do anything about it. Anyway, you will get the idea, but let's just say I've used my artistic licence to do this one!!
I'm really sad actually because I only have two more cards to make and then my 3 month DT season has come to an end :o( I've thoroughly enjoyed being part of it. Janet has certainly set some great challenges and got my little brain working on new ideas.
I've put together another card based on the 'wrong' sketch so will share that with you later in the week. Oh yes, I have also just had an idea having seen a pair of teenager socks, but you will have to wait for that one ;o)
I'm really sad actually because I only have two more cards to make and then my 3 month DT season has come to an end :o( I've thoroughly enjoyed being part of it. Janet has certainly set some great challenges and got my little brain working on new ideas.
I've put together another card based on the 'wrong' sketch so will share that with you later in the week. Oh yes, I have also just had an idea having seen a pair of teenager socks, but you will have to wait for that one ;o)
I will come back and add the 'how to' make it info later. I'm off out to get some chips!!! Don't ask, it's just one of those things I've wanted all week and now I'm off to get them!
Have fun!!
Lovin' the WISE OLD OWL card!! Sounds like you have been busy and enjoying what time you can give crafting and with your daughter!! So glad Natasha found her music talent in drums... :) Really COOL! Off to see more... SMILES! :)